Steve Peek

About the author

I always wanted to be an author, with the trappings of bestseller novelists from the 1950’s. But life hitched me to a different plow, and I furrowed row after row until the world finished and spat me into old age. My thoughts returned to youthful dreams. But, of course, things had changed. The internet put legendary publishers and bookstores out of business. When a child, authors were admired and respected, now they are everyday Joe’s who pour their guts into digital ones and zeroes, that only exist when a reader has them up on a screen. The realization dismayed me, I could never be the author I dreamed. Accepting the brave new world, I found myself facing a truth: writing, the act of placing and moving fingers on keys, were the things I needed. I only thought I wanted to be an author. All along, I wanted to write. After a life filled with what now seems pointless errands, I enjoy a comfortable chair, a keyboard and a screen that allows fonts large enough for me. I type every day. My goal is to tell stories. Not everyone will enjoy my stories. I hope some do. It is a wonderful life. His books on Amazon include: Mage's Mountain Everythiing But the Truth: Our Scandalous Grandmother The SEEING The Boy in the Well Caligula Incarnate W-G-O-D: In your Dreams, All night, Every Night The Island Builders Your Money or Your Mustard Longclaws Alien Agenda Coyote Dreaming Otherworld The Game Inventors Handbook Million Dollar Monster (Short Story) The Sword of the Stone (Short Story) Global Warning (Short Story) New Roads (Short Story) The Sword of the Flame (Short Story) One Day Sale (Short Story) Aboard the Starship Warden (Short Story) Hell on Earth (Short Story) Well Played, Panda, Well Played (Short Story) First National Bank of Happiness (Short Story) He appreciates the magic of life and the interconnection of all things. He would like to hear from you via Steve Peek Writer on Facebook or

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